The Brain Imaging and Analysis Center (BIAC) is located in Durham, NC at Duke University Medical Center in the Davison Building, room 414 (Duke Hospital South Green Zone). Call the BIAC main office if you get lost.
- Maps to BIAC
- Directions to BIAC Main Office
- Directions for Research Participants to the Duke University Hospital Entrance
Maps to BIAC

Directions to BIAC Main Office
The BIAC main office is located in the Davison Building (Duke Hospital South Green Zone). We are on the 4th floor.
From Duke West Campus
Enter the Davison Building main entrance at the north end of the main quad. Once inside, you will take the green elevator to the 4th floor. Exit the elevator to the right, and the BIAC Main Office is on the left, room 414.
From Duke East Campus and Central Campus
Take the C-1 East-West Campus Bus to West Campus bus stop. Walk northeast to the Davison Building main entrance at the north end of the main quad. Once inside, you will take the green elevator to the 4th floor. Exit the elevator to the right, and the BIAC Main Office is on the left, room 414.
From UNC Campus
Take the Robertson Scholars Bus to Duke West Campus, and follow the From Duke West Campus directions above.
For the Robertson Bus, please see https://robertson.express/ for schedules and updates.
Address for GPS Navigation to Duke Medicine Circle Parking Garage
302 Trent Drive
Durham, NC 27710
Parking in the garage is $2 per hour or $12 daily max. Please take your validation ticket with you to pay at one of the pay stations on level 2 as you exit. There is a $15 fee for lost validations.
From Duke Medicine Circle Parking Garage to BIAC Main Office
- Follow the signs to Duke Clinic main lobby. Take either the enclosed walkway from the second floor or the outdoor walkway from the first floor.
- Continue straight, passing the Information Desk and Gray elevator.
- Turn left at the second hallway. (On the right is the Blue elevator.)
- Go past the Red elevator and the Gift Shop, and turn right at the first hallway.
- Go straight through the double doors, and continue down the hallway with wood paneling to the Green elevator on the left.
- Take the Green elevator to the fourth floor.
- Exit the elevator to the right, and the BIAC Main Office is on the left, room 414.
Contact the BIAC main office if you get lost.

Directions for Research Participants to the Duke University Hospital Entrance
If you are a volunteer for a research study, your experimenter will meet you at the main entrance to Duke University Hospital (2301 Erwin Rd, Durham, NC 27710)
You can park in Duke Hospital Parking Garage II (PGII): 2223 Elba St, Durham, NC 27705. The main entrance is on Elba St. There is a second entrance on Erwin Rd. To get to the hospital entrance you can cross Erwin Rd. at the designated crosswalks or you can take the underground walkway to the hospital. To reach the walkway, take a parking garage elevator down to Level RT (for "tunnel") and follow the signs to Duke University Hospital or Duke Children’s Hospital & Health Center.
At the end of your visit you will receive a complimentary parking voucher, which can be validated at the designated kiosks before exiting the garage.
More information on parking can be found here: https://www.dukehealth.org/hospitals/duke-university-hospital/parking-and-directions
If Walking/Taking Duke Transit:
**Due to current security restrictions, only the main entrances to the Hospital, Children’s Hospital, Medical Pavilion, Cancer Center and Clinics will be accessible to those without a proper Duke badge.**

From Duke East Campus and Duke Central Campus
Take the C-1 East-West Campus Bus to West Campus bus stop. Walk northeast to the Davison Building main entrance at the north end of the main quad. Once inside, you will follow the hallway towards Duke North; follow the signs to the Concourse/Cancer Center/Duke Medical Pavilion. Go down the stairs and pass the gift shop on your right. You are now in the Concourse so continue walking straight down the hall and follow the signs to the Duke Hospital main lobby. Continue down this hall until you pass the elevators on your right. Walk towards the gift shop. You will see the main entrance to the Hospital in front of you. The total walking time for this path through the medical center will be a little over 10 minutes.
From Duke West Campus

Enter the Davison Building main entrance at the north end of the main quad. Once inside, you will follow the hallway towards Duke North; follow the signs to the Concourse/Cancer Center/Duke Medical Pavilion. Go down the stairs and pass the gift shop on your right. You are now in the Concourse so continue walking straight down the hall and follow the signs to the Duke Hospital main lobby. Continue down this hall until you pass the elevators on your right. Walk towards the gift shop. You will see the main entrance to the Hospital in front of you. The total walking time for this path through the medical center will be a little over 10 minutes.
From UNC Campus

Take the Robertson Scholars Bus to Science Drive Circle. From there walk past the Fitzpatrick Center and the Engineering Building towards the Hospital. Cross over Research Drive and walk past the Bryan Neuro Research Facility and the Trent Semans Center (both on your left). At the top of the hill you will see the entrance to the Duke Medical Pavilion, enter here and follow the Concourse to the left towards the Duke Hospital Main entrance. You will pass a gift shop on your right and at the end of the hall see elevators. On the other side of the elevators is the hospital lobby.
For the Robertson Bus, please see https://robertson.express/ for schedules and updates.