Undergraduate students from Duke and UNC participate in all aspects of BIAC research. Students are responsible for working with research subjects, analyzing research data, computer programming, and conducting library research. BIAC is looking for motivated research assistants, programmers and technical writers.
What skills will I develop at BIAC?
Undergraduate members of BIAC develop many skills that are highly valued by medical schools, graduate schools, and employers. Our students learn about conducting research, including experimental design, data analysis, and working with research participants. They learn brain anatomy and brain function through formal training programs and informal discussions with other lab members. Depending on their interests, some students specialize in advanced computer techniques, like creating programs in MATLAB for data analysis or visualizing three-dimensional pictures of the brain.
What are the areas of interest of BIAC faculty members?
BIAC faculty pursue research in many aspects of neuroimaging. Faculty members study cognitive processes such as attention and memory, neuroimaging methods, brain changes accompanying neurological disorders, and other topics. Undergraduate students at BIAC participate in all of these areas of research.
Will I have opportunities to develop independent projects?
Many students who work at BIAC develop independent research projects. Each year, several students who have worked with the lab pursue independent study projects for course credit. These projects often provide credit for graduation with distinction in the student's major. BIAC students have frequently received research support and/or recognition for their independent work from Duke and from external programs.
How will my work-study status affect my ability to work at BIAC?
BIAC does not require students to qualify for work-study support. We have both work-study and non-work-study positions available. The Duke University web site has information for Duke students considering employment: Work Study at Duke.
Why should I work at BIAC?
BIAC faculty share a strong commitment to involving undergraduates in their research programs. By working closely with BIAC faculty, students make contacts that greatly benefit their later graduate or medical school careers. Furthermore, students at BIAC develop neuroimaging experience that separates them from their peers at other universities: few, if any, students at other universities have access to the imaging resources we have here at Duke.
Who should I contact about employment opportunities at BIAC?
For more information about positions at BIAC, please send your resume and list of references to the main office.