In diffusion MRI (dMRI), static magnetic field (B0) inhomogeneity and time varying gradient eddy currents induce spatial distortions in reconstructed images. These distortions are exacerbated when high spatial resolutions are used, and many field-mapping based correction techniques often only acquire maps of static B0 distortion, which are not adequate for correcting eddy current induced image distortions. This report presents a novel technique, termed RPG-MUSE, for achieving distortion-free high-resolution diffusion MRI by integrating reversed polarity gradients (RPG) into the multi-shot echo planar imaging acquisition scheme used in multiplexed sensitivity encoding (MUSE). By alternating the phase encoding direction between shots in both baseline and diffusion-weighted acquisitions, maps of both static B0 and eddy current induced field inhomogeneities can be inherently derived, without the need for additional data acquisition. Through both 2D and 3D encoded dMRI acquisitions, it is shown that an RPG-MUSE reconstruction can simultaneously achieve high spatial resolution, high spatial fidelity, and subsequently, high accuracy in diffusion metrics.

Citation: Bruce, I. P., Petty, C., & Song, A. W. (2018). Simultaneous and inherent correction of B0 and eddy-current induced distortions in high-resolution diffusion MRI using reversed polarity gradients and multiplexed sensitivity encoding (RPG-MUSE). NeuroImage, 183, 985–993. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.09.055